Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Norfolk to Faringdon.

The first of another 2 weeks of mission started off in North Breckland, Norfolk. We worked in three schools - one primary school and two secondary schools. We also did a cage event on the Saturday which despite a low attendance and rain stopping play led to some great conversations with the young people and their parents.  In total we engaged with 300 young people and it was great to be able to support the work of North Breckland YFC.

Our second week was working with Faringdon churches together. We worked in Faringdon community college the whole week doing assemblies, lessons, break-times and lunchtimes.  The goal of the week was scored by a sixth former dressed as Tinky Winky for sports relief (#tinkywinkytekkers). In addition we set-up on Monday and Tuesday evenings at Rock Solid and a youth group. On the Saturday we organised a cage football tournament at the local youth centre.  Throughout the week we had spent time with 1100 young people playing cage football, soaking up the sun and sharing our faith. In the lessons we shared what it meant for us as Christians to live life to full and to believe in ourselves and on Saturday Sammy shared a moving testimony with 52 young people.

We hope and pray for the continued work of North Breckland YFC and Faringdon chuches together as they continue the relationships and engagement with the young people we met.

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